Monday, October 8, 2012

10/8 Foam Fest

The beginning of September my husband and I ran a 5K Foam Fest. This was on the 2nd race that I signed up for when I started running again. My husband so graciously signed up with me- in part, I believe to help encourage me. This really isn't his thing, but I am so glad he went and did it with me. It was a good day. We took the little man to the sitter for the day, which we barely do, did the Foam Fest, went to lunch, and visited with friends. It was a nice day. Because of the mud, water, and foam I have no pictures really. I have taken some from Google to show you what the Foam Fest is like- but they do not have pictures of most of the obstacles that we did. It was a blast.

We got there like an hour early and waited for our wave to start. It was on a Ranch so they had plenty of room for us to run. When we started the run we ran about half a mile before the first obstacle. Our first obstacle was a mud crawl, which of course we all know that I loved. Then we went through a skinny mud wall. Then we ran and went to what they call the "Car Wash.." This seemed to be a like a bunch of swimming NOODLES hanging while foam is spraying out at you. I tripped and almost busted it as I was entering into the car wash! :) I would guess that we ran about another quarter to half mile before we came to the next obstacle which was tires that you jump through.
After this obstacle we continued to jog at a nice speed until we came to the next obstacle. The next one was a low crawl under wires. On the wires there were signs that said "LIVE WIRE" and the people were telling us to stay low because the wire was "live." I got low.. I didn't believe them, but I certainly was not going to test it to see if they were just joking. Talk about a nice little workout- doing my best to be as LOW as I could be. As I crawled, I heard my husband yell "OWWW!!! They aren't lying!" In which everyone started laughing. THE WIRE WAS LIVE!!! They were not joking and my sweet husband got shocked. That was a really funny moment! Then the gals in front of us started rolling and I got a swift kick in the mouth! :(

The next one was climbing through ropes. Simple, except the mud that you were sticking your feet into and getting stuck! As we continued we came to a HUGE slide! OHHHH MY GOODNESS! We had to stand in line for about 25 minutes until it was our turn. My husband says the slide was like 30 feet up, I think more like 50. It was like a huge bouncy castle. This was totally one of my favorite obstacles... it was a lot of fun. You got to the bottom and ended up in the muddy water... Then we ran to our first slip and slide.  We got running starts and went with it. The foam totally overtook any visibility that we had. It was so fun. 
Then we climbed a rope wall which was fun. I was very careful because it would be I, the clumsy one, that would fall on my face. The rest of the obstacles were wall after wall and then foam fun. We had a complete blast. I will be honest and say I think Mud Runs are more fun than this was... but that is just my opinion! Have you completed one of these?

-Big Sis

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